Results for 'Rafael Bravo Parra'

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  1. Linear discrete models with different time scales.Eva Sánchez, Rafael Bravo Parra & Pierre Auger - 1995 - Acta Biotheoretica 43 (4).
    Aggregation of variables allows to approximate a large scale dynamical system (the micro-system) involving many variables into a reduced system (the macro-system) described by a few number of global variables. Approximate aggregation can be performed when different time scales are involved in the dynamics of the micro-system. Perturbation methods enable to approximate the large micro-system by a macro-system going on at a slow time scale. Aggregation has been performed for systems of ordinary differential equations in which time is a continuous (...)
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    Linear discrete population models with two time scales in fast changing environments II: Non-autonomous case.Ángel Blasco, Luis Sanz, Pierre Auger & Rafael Bravo de la Parra - 2002 - Acta Biotheoretica 50 (1):15-38.
    As the result of the complexity inherent in nature, mathematical models employed in ecology are often governed by a large number of variables. For instance, in the study of population dynamics we often deal with models for structured populations in which individuals are classified regarding their age, size, activity or location, and this structuring of the population leads to high dimensional systems. In many instances, the dynamics of the system is controlled by processes whose time scales are very different from (...)
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    Influence of individual aggressiveness on the dynamics of competitive populations.Eva Sanchez, Pierre Auger & Rafael Bravo de la Parra - 1997 - Acta Biotheoretica 45 (3-4):321-333.
    Two populations are subdivided into two categories of individuals (hawks and doves). Individuals fight to have access to a resource which is necessary for their survival. Conflicts occur between individuals belonging to the same population and to different populations. We investigate the long term effects of the conflicts on the stability of the community. The modelis a set of ODE's with four variables corresponding to hawk and dove individuals of the two populations. Two time scales are considered. A fast time (...)
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    The reliability of approximate reduction techniques in population models with two time scales.Luis Sanz & Rafael Bravo de la Parra - 2002 - Acta Biotheoretica 50 (4):297-322.
    As a result of the complexity inherent in some natural systems, mathematical models employed in ecology are often governed by a large number of variables. For instance, in the study of population dynamics we often find multiregional models for structured populations in which individuals are classified regarding their age and their spatial location. Dealing with such structured populations leads to high dimensional models. Moreover, in many instances the dynamics of the system is controlled by processes whose time scales are very (...)
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    Variables aggregation in time varying discrete systems.Luis Sanz & Rafael Bravo de la Parra - 1998 - Acta Biotheoretica 46 (3):273-297.
    In this work we extend approximate aggregation methods in time discrete linear models to the case of time varying environments. Approximate aggregation consists in describing some features of the dynamics of a general system involving many coupled variables in terms of the dynamics of a reduced system with a few number of variables. We present a time discrete time varying model in which we distinguish two time scales. By using perturbation methods we transform the system to make the global variables (...)
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    Reduction of Nonautonomous Population Dynamics Models with Two Time Scales.Marcos Marvá & Rafael Bravo de la Parra - 2014 - Acta Biotheoretica 62 (3):285-303.
    The purpose of this work is reviewing some reduction results to deal with systems of nonautonomous ordinary differential equations with two time scales. They could be included among the so-called approximate aggregation methods. The existence of different time scales in a system, together with some long-term features, are used to build up a simpler system governed by a lesser number of state variables. The asymptotic behavior of the latter system is then used to describe the asymptotic behaviour of the former (...)
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    Opinions of nurses regarding conscientious objection.Rafael Toro-Flores, Pilar Bravo-Agüi, María Victoria Catalán-Gómez, Marisa González-Hernando, María Jesús Guijarro-Cenisergue, Margarita Moreno-Vázquez, Isabel Roch-Hamelin & Tamara Raquel Velasco-Sanz - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (4):1027-1038.
    Background: In the last decades, there have been important developments in the scientific and technological areas of healthcare. On certain occasions this provokes conflict between the patients' rights and the values of healthcare professionals which brings about, within this clinical relationship, the problem of conscientious objection. Aims: To learn the opinions that the Nurses of the Madrid Autonomous Community have regarding conscientious objection. Research design: Cross-cutting descriptive study. Participants and research context: The nurses of 9 hospitals and 12 Health Centers (...)
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  8.  35
    Reproductive Numbers for Nonautonomous Spatially Distributed Periodic SIS Models Acting on Two Time Scales.M. Marvá, R. Bravo de la Parra & P. Auger - 2011 - Acta Biotheoretica 60 (1):139-154.
    In this work we deal with a general class of spatially distributed periodic SIS epidemic models with two time scales. We let susceptible and infected individuals migrate between patches with periodic time dependent migration rates. The existence of two time scales in the system allows to describe certain features of the asymptotic behavior of its solutions with the help of a less dimensional, aggregated, system. We derive global reproduction numbers governing the general spatially distributed nonautonomous system through the aggregated system. (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility as a Vehicle to Reveal the Corporate Identity: A Study Focused on the Websites of Spanish Financial Entities. [REVIEW]Rafael Bravo, Jorge Matute & José M. Pina - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (2):129-146.
    This study explores the relevance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as an element of the corporate identity of Spanish financial institutions. Specifically, it aims to analyze the CSR actions developed by financial entities through the analysis of all the available information disclosed in their websites. A content analysis applied to 82 banking institutions, followed by different quantitative analyses, reveals the multidimensionality of CSR. Findings show that, while the number of entities institutionalizing CSR values as core elements of their identities is (...)
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  10.  39
    Population dynamics modelling in an hierarchical arborescent river network: An attempt with salmo trutta.S. Charles, R. Bravo de la Parra, J. P. Mallet, H. Persat & P. Auger - 1998 - Acta Biotheoretica 46 (3):223-234.
    The balance between births and deaths in an age-structured population is strongly influenced by the spatial distribution of sub-populations. Our aim was to describe the demographic process of a fish population in an hierarchical dendritic river network, by taking into account the possible movements of individuals. We tried also to quantify the effect of river network changes (damming or channelling) on the global fish population dynamics. The Salmo trutta life pattern was taken as an example for.We proposed a model which (...)
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  11. Conferencias de Francisco Bravo, Rafael Carías, Angel J. Cappelletti, Victor Li Carrillo y Alberto Rosales.Francisco Bravo (ed.) - 1974 - Caracas: Sociedad Venezolana de Filosofía.
    Bravo, F. La dialéctica en Teilhard de Chardin.--Carías, R. El conocimiento de Dios en Max Scheler.--Cappelletti, A. J. El fuego y el logos en la filosofía de Heráclito.--Li Carrillo, V. Estructuralismo y antihumanismo.--Rosales, A. Martín Heidegger y la crisis de la filosofía transcendental.--Rosales, A. La crítica de Heidegger al idealismo moderno.--Rosales, A. El giro del pensamiento de Heidegger.
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    La confianza de Francisco de Goya: A la luz de tres perspectivas feministas.Giannina Leonora Burlando Bravo - 2022 - Aisthesis 71:223-241.
    Este ensayo describe una particular experiencia estética, basada en la obra gráfica La confianza, de Goya, perteneciente a la serie de los Caprichos e invenciones, que son paisajes de pesadilla que ilustran la crisis social de la época de las Luces. Desde aquí, desarrollaré una hermenéutica personal que avanza por tres escenarios teóricos sobre lo que implicaría la confianza de una mujer en otra, a partir del soporte de imagen. Las diversas tesis teóricas se sitúan en la órbita del pensamiento (...)
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    Moral Enhancement Should Target Self-Interest and Cognitive Capacity.Rafael Ahlskog - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (3):363-373.
    Current suggestions for capacities that should be targeted for moral enhancement has centered on traits like empathy, fairness or aggression. The literature, however, lacks a proper model for understanding the interplay and complexity of moral capacities, which limits the practicability of proposed interventions. In this paper, I integrate some existing knowledge on the nature of human moral behavior and present a formal model of prosocial motivation. The model provides two important results regarding the most friction-free route to moral enhancement. First, (...)
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  14. Aristóteles en la España del siglo XVI: Antecedentes, alcance y matices de su influencia.Antonio Pedro Bravo García - 1997 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 4:203-249.
    La finalidad de este artículo es explicar, mediante algunos testimonios significativos, de qué manera penetra en España el aristotelismo y cómo esta penetración del nuevo pensamiento aristotélico en Europa pone de manifiesto un permanente conflicto entre Edad Media y Renacimiento, fundamentalmente en España, donde el redescubrimiento y uso de las autoridades antiguas constituye a menudo un importante problema teórico. El autor muestra alguna de estas dificultades en varios dominios (filosofía, ciencia, literatura).
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    When Corporations Cause Harm: A Critical View of Corporate Social Irresponsibility and Corporate Crimes.Rafael Alcadipani & Cíntia Rodrigues de Oliveira Medeiros - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (2):285-297.
    Corporations perform actions that can inflict harm with different levels of intensity, from death to material loss, to both companies’ internal and external stakeholders. Research has analysed corporate harm using the notions of corporate social irresponsibility and corporate crime. Critical management studies have been subjecting management and organizational practices and knowledge to critical analysis, and corporate harm has been one of the main concerns of CMS. However, CMS has rarely been deployed to analyse CSIR and corporate crime. Thus, the aim (...)
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  16.  41
    God, Hypostasis, and the Threat of Paradox: Exploring Kantian And Non-Kantian Reasons for Circumspection.Damián Bravo Zamora - 2018 - Kant Yearbook 10 (1):171-198.
    In this paper, I present an interpretation of Kant’s view that reason’s hypostasis of the idea of a sum-total of reality is dogmatic and illegitimate. In the section on the ‘Transcendental Ideal’, the second section of the Ideal of Pure Reason chapter in the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant starts by describing reason’s procedure from the affirmation of the principle of thoroughgoing determination to the hypostasis in question. According to the interpretation I defend, the argument for hypostasis deployed in this (...)
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  17. The Calcium Wave Model of the Perception-Action Cycle: Evidence From Semantic Relevance in Memory Experiments.Alfredo Pereira Jr, Rafael Peres dos Santos & Rafael Fernandes Barros - 2014 - In Ezequiel Morsella & T. Andrew Poehlman (eds.), Consciousness and action control. Lausanne, Switzerland: Frontiers Media SA.
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    Human Rights without Objective Intrinsic Value.Víctor Cantero-Flores & Roberto Parra-Dorantes - 2019 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 21 (1):10-27.
    The current predominant conception of human rights implies that human beings have objective intrinsic value. In this paper, we defend that there is no satisfactory justification of this claim. In spite of the great variety of theories aimed at explaining objective intrinsic value, all of them share one common problematic feature: they pass from a non-evaluative proposition to an evaluative proposition by asserting that a certain entity has intrinsic value in virtue of having certain non-evaluative features. This is a step (...)
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  19. Teoria de la antijuridicidad.Rafael Márquez Piñero - 2003 - México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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    Tarántula: institución y hacer pensante por la autonomía: Castoriadis en la trama latinoamericana entre academia y política.Rafael Miranda Redondo, Dolores Camacho Velázquez & Jorge Alonso (eds.) - 2014 - México, D.F.: CIESAS.
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    La invención del porvenir: El tiempo histórico en el pensamiento de Juan David García Bacca.Rafael Pérez Baquero - 2024 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 57 (1):85-101.
    El propósito fundamental del presente artículo es el de ofrecer una reconstrucción y exégesis de las reflexiones del filósofo español exiliado Juan David García Bacca en torno al problema filosófico del tiempo. En este sentido, a través de la lectura de varias de sus obras extraeremos aquellos elementos de su pensamiento que nos ofrecerán herramientas conceptuales para prefigurar las tensiones vinculadas al tratamiento de estas cuestiones por buena parte de la tradición filosófica occidental. De esta forma, partiendo del diagnóstico de (...)
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    Do rigorosamente vago e seu papel na tradução.Rafael Azize & Paulo Oliveira - 2021 - Tradterm 40 (1):180-202.
    Na investigação acadêmica/científica, o vago é usualmente tratado como desvio do exato. Na teoria da tradução, isso toma corpo no conceito tradicional de ‘equivalência’ como igualdade a priori e no nível do sistema linguístico. Contra essa visão, retomamos aqui uma aproximação entre o conceito de ‘normas tradutórias’ de Gideon Toury e a concepção de linguagem do Wittgen­stein tardio, orientando-nos também pelos comentários do filósofo brasileiro Arley Moreno. Defendemos que o vago tem precedência lógica ante o preciso, na linguagem tout court (...)
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    Música e emoção.Rafael D'aversa - 2010 - Critica.
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  24. Sociopatía americana: comentarios a Hostos.Rafael Esténger - 1939 - Habana: Molina y Compañia. Edited by Eugenio Maria de Hostos.
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  25. On the apocalyptic theme in modern scientific discourse.Omar Rafael Regalado Fernandez - 2022 - In Jakub Kowalewski (ed.), The Environmental Apocalypse: Interdisciplinary Reflections on the Climate Crisis. Routledge.
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    ""Deleuze or" Becoming Deleuze": A Critical Introduction to his Thought.Rafael Gomez Pardo - 2011 - Ideas Y Valores 60 (145):131-149.
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  27. The philosophical anthropology of Jose Manzana.Rafael Gomez Miranda - 2007 - Pensamiento 63 (236):321-346.
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    Interconnectedness: the living world of the early Greek phliosophers.Claudia Zatta, Rafael Ferber, Livio Rossetti & Barbara Sattler - 2017 - Sankt Augustin: Academia.
    What did the early Greek philosophers think about animals and their lives? How did they view plants? And, ultimately, what type of relationship did they envisage between all sorts of living beings? On these topics there is evidence of a prolonged investigation by several Presocratics. However, scholarship has paid little attention to these issues and to the surprisingly "modern" development they received in Presocratics' doctrines. This book fills this lacuna through a detailed (and largely unprecedented) analysis of the extant evidence. (...)
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    (1 other version)Políticas de reparación: Reclamación y reentierro de restos indígenas. El caso de Gregorio Yancamil.Rafael Pedro Curtoni & María Gabriela Chaparro - 2011 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 1 (1).
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    Can I take a look at your notes?: A phenomenological exploration of how university students experience note-taking using paper-based and paperless resources.Emmi Bravo Palacios & Maarten Simons - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (13):1334-1349.
    The aim of this study was to explore the note-taking experiences of university students using paper-based and paperless resources. By means of a hermeneutic phenomenological approach, the note-taking experiences of 18 students from an international program at a university in Belgium were examined throughout a semester. In order to document these students’ practices with paper-based and paperless resources, four data collection methods were used: in-depth interviews observations focus group discussions and document analysis of students’ lecture notes. The results showed that (...)
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    "Casus et fortuna" en santo Tomás de Aquino.Rafael Alvira - 1977 - Anuario Filosófico 10 (1):27-69.
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    From Multiple Modernities to Multiple Globalizations.Eliezer Ben-Rafael - 2018 - ProtoSociology 35:295-313.
    We draw from Eisenstadt’s (2002) conceptualization of multiple modernities which he pro­posed to analyze processes marking modernity and their different versions in contemporary societies. These processes do not delete all pre-existing orientations, value affinities and social arrangements, and while modernity is recognizable everywhere, modern societies also differ at other respects. We formulate a similar contention for globalization. We point to three interacting and intermingling movers of social reality—globalization, multiculturalism and the national principle—which concretize everywhere, and according to contexts and a (...)
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  33. Le multiculturalisme: une perspective analytique: Le multiculturalisme.Eliezer Ben-Rafael - 1998 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 105:281-299.
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    Andreas Arndt: Die Sache der Logik.Rafael Aragüés - 2023 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 76 (3):242-249.
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    Una interpretación de la metafísica del "Liber de causis".Rafael Aguila - 2010 - [Bilbao]: Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Argitalpen Zerbitzua.
    El renacimiento cultural del s. XII es producto de una serie de circunstancias que se pueden sintetizar en tres factores: el desarrollo económico, la expansión demográfica y el apogeo urbano. Dichas circunstancias parecen mostrar la decadencia del sistema feudal y la apertura a la sociedad moderna. Al resurgimiento literario y filosófico le acompaña el metodológico. La lógica aristotélica se convertirá en instrumento necesario tanto en los debates teológicos como jurídicos. Ya no presidida por el viejo esencialismo o la inmanencia griega, (...)
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  36.  18
    Development and Psychometric Properties of the Questionnaire for Assessing Educational Podcasts.Rafael Alarcón & María J. Blanca - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The aim of this research was to develop and validate the Questionnaire for Assessing Educational Podcasts, an instrument designed to gather students’ views about four dimensions of educational podcasts: access and use, design and structure, content adequacy, and value as an aid to learning. In study 1 we gathered validity evidence based on test content by asking a panel of experts to rate the clarity and relevance of items. Study 2 examined the psychometric properties of the QAEP, including confirmatory factor (...)
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  37. El Tribunal constitucional: el guardián de la Constitución.Rafael de Mendizábal Allende - 2012 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 62 (979):66-69.
    La jurisdicción constitucional nació el 24 de febrero de 1803 en una desangelada sala en la planta baja del Capitolio cedida por el Congreso de los Estados Unidos al Tribunal Supremo cuando su presidente, el Chief Justice John Marshall hizo pública la sentencia en el caso Marbury v. Madison. En ella se establecía la revisión judicial de las leyes (y también de los actos del Gobierno, pero éste es otro tema) sacándosela de la manga de la toga como de una (...)
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  38.  21
    La sociología clásica y el destierro del ser humano.Rafael Alvear - 2017 - Cinta de Moebio 59:235-253.
    Resumen: En un contexto en que la pregunta por lo humano parece divagar entre su desaparición bajo las críticas anti y post-humanistas y su reactivación justamente como respuesta a un entorno de alta incertidumbre y complejidad, la interrogante por los inicios de aquella relación entre sociología y ser humano se torna del todo importante. A partir de un análisis del núcleo fundamental de algunos de los más importantes clásicos de la sociología, se persigue a continuación desentrañar la postura original que (...)
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  39. Sobre el comienzo radical: consideraciones acerca de El concepto de angustia de S.A. Kierkegaard.Rafael Alvira - 1995 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 15:31-42.
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  40. Cuerpo y creaciÓn en Miguel Ángel.Rafael Argullol - 2003 - Humanitas 1 (4):323-328.
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    El fin del mundo como obra de arte: un relato occidental.Rafael Argullol - 1991 - Barcelona: Destino.
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    Nietzsche y el socialismo: una aproximación desde el aristocratismo moral.Rafael Carrión Arias - 2024 - Isegoría 70:1326.
    ¿Apolítico? ¿Revolucionario? ¿Reaccionario? Durante largo tiempo, el pensamiento político nietzscheano ha sido sometido a múltiples alteraciones que han eclipsado su singular carga emancipadora. Pero el desafío no está tanto en la respuesta como en saber formular correctamente la pregunta, pues la dureza de la crítica nietzscheana a los movimientos sociales de su época y especialmente al socialismo no viene necesariamente acompañada de una justificación del capitalismo sino de su simultánea descalificación. Partiendo de la voluntad de poder como dinámica vital fundada (...)
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  43. Racionalismo crítico, conocimiento científico y marxismo.Rafael Pardo Avellaneda - 1984 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):299-331.
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  44. El lul· lisme i l'antilul· lisme dels juristes mallorquins als segles XVIII i XVIII.Rafael Ramis Barceló - 2010 - Studia Lulliana 50:73-95.
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    La Filosofía del Renacimiento y el Humanismo según Thomas Leinkauf.Rafael Ramis Barceló - 2018 - Endoxa 41:296.
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  46. Studying the History of Philosophical Ideas: supporting research discovery, navigation, and awareness.Hein Van Den Berg, Gonzalo Parra, Anja Jentzsch, Andreas Drakos & Erik Duval - 2014 - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-Driven Business.
    The use of computational tools in the humanities for science 2.0 practices is steadily increasing. This paper examines current research practices of a group of philosophers studying the history of philosophical concepts. We explain the methodology and workflow of these philosophers and provide an overview of tools they currently use in their research. The case study highlights a number of fundamental challenges facing these researchers, including: (i) accessing known relevant research content or resources; (ii) discovering new research content or data; (...)
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    Humanidades para el siglo XXI.Rafael Alvira & Kurt Spang (eds.) - 2006 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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    (1 other version)A metáfora do cálculo no período intermediário de Wittgenstein.Rafael Lopes Azize - 2009 - Doispontos 6 (1):125-144.
    Este artigo investiga alguns usos da metáfora da linguagem como cálculo em Wittgenstein. A metáfora do cálculo emerge, nos anos 30, numa interlocução com o referencialista, e é ali instrumental na recondução do olhar filosófico para os usos efetivos do simbolismo linguístico. Contudo, foi levada longe demais, ao sugerir uma imagem da linguagem composta apenas de inferências à maneira dos sistemas de regras fechados. Isto embargaria certa expansão pragmática do contexto criterial da análise conceitual. Mas a aplicabilidade do símile do (...)
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    A neural-symbolic perspective on analogy.Rafael V. Borges, Artur S. D'Avila Garcez & Luis C. Lamb - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):379-380.
    The target article criticises neural-symbolic systems as inadequate for analogical reasoning and proposes a model of analogy as transformation (i.e., learning). We accept the importance of learning, but we argue that, instead of conflicting, integrated reasoning and learning would model analogy much more adequately. In this new perspective, modern neural-symbolic systems become the natural candidates for modelling analogy.
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    A crítica de Ernst Cassirer à antropologia moderna e a determinação do ser humano como “animal symbolicum”.Tobias Endres & Rafael R. Garcia - 2021 - Kant E-Prints 16 (2):411-429.
    O artigo examina os trabalhos completos de Cassirer, assim como seus escritos póstumos com relação à tese de Heinz Paetzold de que a filosofia de Cassirer sofre uma transformação em direção à antropologia em seu trabalho tardio, assim como a tese de Guido Kreis de que tal transformação da filosofia dos símbolos não é possível porque não pode garantir seu próprio fundamento. O autor demonstra uma continuidade no pensamento de Cassirer com relação ao tema da antropologia, segundo a qual Cassirer (...)
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